Hypnotherapy is guided trance-like state of focus that is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one's own thoughts. It isn’t mind control. It is a technique used by Psychotherapists to help clients turn their attention completely inward to find and make changes to gain control in certain areas of their life.
In a nutshell, hypnosis is a form of focused relaxation that helps to bypass the conscious mind and get at the unconscious. And that’s where the power lies. When you go into a trance, and begin communicating with your unconscious mind, that’s when you’re able to challenge and change any beliefs that are not serving you well. And that’s when you can replace those beliefs with better ones. Clinical hypnotherapy is performed in a calm, therapeutic environment. The therapist will guide you into a relaxed, focused state and ask you to think about experiences and situations in positive ways that can help you change the way you think and behave. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat the following conditions: Smoking Cessation Manage & Control Weight Control Pain Conquer Bad Habits Cope with Emotional Trauma Deal with Depression Relieve Anxiety Assist with Stress Management Fight Fears & Phobias Feel More Connected to Your Partner Increase Self Esteem Read more about the benefits of hypnotherapy here! http://classifieds.usatoday.com/blog/services/what-are-the-benefits-of-hypnosis/ https://mindbodyhypnotherapy.com/30-famous-people-who-have-used-hypnosis/ *Hypnotherapy services, without counseling, are not covered by health insurance. Telehealth Sessions Available In Georgia and South Carolina Offering Services on GrowTherapy, Headway, Teladoc and Amwell. |